Elicit a Better Response with Rip-Ope
There’s nothing tricky about Rip-Ope; but when it comes to getting customers to “open up,” Rip-Ope is pure magic.
Put new life and zip in your mailings with this intriguing opening device that invites consumers to “rip” into your mailing. It’s fun, simple and a convenient way to get your customer inside your direct mail piece to read your message or offer. Higher readership means better response, and increased profits for you.
Originally designed to provide easier opening for Tension’s Touch-‘N-Seal® statement envelopes, the Rip-Ope was a natural for use on other types of mailing and direct marketing envelopes. The zipper-like Rip-Ope feature has been successfully adapted to all sizes and styles of envelopes used by direct marketers, retail stores and commercial businesses.
Often on the side or back of an envelope, the Rip-Ope tear strip is a cinch to open. The tactile response helps involve your reader, getting them hooked. By adding copy on the backside, such as a deadline date, you can add a sense of urgency to your mailing and make sure your customers and prospects get your message.
Extensively Tested Rip-Ope Perforations Keep Documents Safe and Secure
Rip-Ope is not limited to novelty, though. Rip-Ope perforations are a series of curved slits, evolved from extensive testing of opening systems. Rip-Ope retains strength and security, protecting your message and eliminating the possibility of tearing, slicing or damaging the contents. Pulling a tab produces a smooth, even tear along the flap, just above the seal area, providing quick access while keeping the documents safe and secure.
Contact a Tension Sales Associate today to learn how fundraisers, charitable organizations, insurance companies, banks and many others are using the Rip-Ope to their advantage on their mailing envelopes.