Tension’s Commitment to Diversity

Tension values diversity and inclusion both internally amongst our Associates and externally as we work with our suppliers. We make every effort to work with certified minority, women, LGBTQ+, veteran and disabled owned businesses whenever possible. Tension’s procurement department works closely with each Tension manufacturing facility to identify 1st-tier minority or woman-owned business sources. Tension proactively sources through the Minority Supplier Development Council and participates in local Minority Business Development Center meetings to discuss opportunities for inclusion.
When cost competitive, Tension also works with minority suppliers for ancillary services such as delivery or small-quantity envelope manufacturing. Tension has a network of minority suppliers available at each manufacturing facility and works diligently to utilize these companies appropriately. On a monthly basis, all facilities report information on Tier 1 suppliers. This information is compiled yearly, and Tension provides an annual report to the Minority Supplier Diversity Council.
Tension is proud to work with as many diverse suppliers in our industry as possible. We look forward to seeing an increase in diversity among the major companies in our industry.