Phygital Marketing and the USPS Promotions, Part 3
Leverage three USPS ® promotions to your benefit
Add Value to Your Mail with Informed Delivery
Learn how the USPS thinks Informed Delivery can enhance your mail program.
How the USPS Helps Business Mailers
The USPS has an infrastructure supported by technology and associates to help business mailers thrive.
Reimagining Mail with Informed Visibility and Informed Delivery
Reimagine your mail with Informed Visibility® and Informed Delivery®.
Informed Delivery for Business Mailers: How to Create an Interactive Campaign
In April 2017, the USPS® launched Informed Delivery and gave consumers the option to digitally preview their mail. It has been largely successful with an estimated 5 million household users…
Nationwide and Secure: USPS Informed Delivery™
Have you heard about the United States Postal Service program, Informed Delivery?
Informed Delivery™ from the USPS®
The United States Postal Service is giving you a jump on seeing what’s in your mailbox before you even check the mail.