Envelope Paper: Types of Envelope Paper & Weight of Envelopes
Learn about the types of paper used in envelope construction, and which choice is best for your mail campaign.
3 Ways Mailers Can Boost Sustainability Efforts
Don’t be stationary! Look for ways to boost your sustainability through mail.
Project Warmth Kansas City
Learn about the heart-warming impacts of Project Warmth and how Tension has supplied millions of direct mail envelopes to this initiative.
Printed vs. Colored Paper Envelopes: A Technicolored Marketing Dream
Color can bring your envelope to life. Check out some of the ways to infuse it in your mailpiece.
3 Ways to Raise Donor Stewardship through Direct Mail
How can you boost your donor stewardship? Demographics, a simple donation process and data could hold the keys.
Getting to Know You: Gearheads and Great Results
Meet one of Tension’s secret weapons: Greg Copeland.
Informed Delivery™ from the USPS®
The United States Postal Service is giving you a jump on seeing what’s in your mailbox before you even check the mail.
When it Comes to Direct Mail, Have the Mind of a Seven-Year-Old
Picture yourself at a 7-year-old’s birthday party. It’s gift time. The birthday girl is having the time of her life and is looking for the first gift to open.
Tension Packaging & Automation Showcases Key Products at 2016 Operations Summit
Tension Packaging & Automation will showcase several key products at the 2016 Operations Summit.