Double Window Envelopes: Get More from Your Envelope
Versatile and popular, double window envelopes are a staple for billing, statement and tax envelope mailings. A double window envelope, as implied by the name, has two windows—frequently one for the return address and one for the mailing address on the face of the envelope.
What is a #9 Envelope?
If you have ever received a bill in the mail, chances are you have held a #9 envelope in your hands. The #9 envelope is usually sent within another envelope (often a…
Psychology Theories Related to Direct Mail
This year’s virtual event boasted renowned speakers in their fields who shared real-world experiences with donors as they relate to direct mail.
Direct Mail Basics: Testing Your Mailpiece
Learn more about the importance of testing your direct mail campaign.
Tension Packaging & Automation Announces the Purchase of Colorado Automation & Design
Tension announces the purchase of CAD.
#10 Envelope Size: What is a #10 Envelope and How Big is it?
All you need to know about the #10 envelope dimensions and size.
Product Spotlight: ALTA Reusable Envelopes
Learn more about our eco-friendly, two-way ALTA envelopes.
4 Design Tips Your Prepress Team Wants You to Know, Part 2
Learn how color match and design approvals during Prepress can boost your mailing.
4 Design Tips Your Prepress Team Wants You to Know, Part 1
Learn helpful tips for proof review and artwork preflight in prepress.