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As we close out 2022, we would like to reflect on the past year by highlighting a few of our most popular blogs of 2022. We look forward to continuing to provide helpful and informative content to our industry in 2023. Best wishes for a happy and productive year!

Booklets: A Versatile Messaging Tool

If you have ever opened a credit card or an insurance plan, chances are you have come across a booklet or two. Booklets are defined more by their physical properties than their use. The banking industry, financial institutions (think credit card companies) and others have long used booklets to deliver key product information. In this blog, we explored the versatility of the booklet and ways that you can use them to your advantage: Booklet 101.

How to Have a Successful Gift Lift™ Campaign

In this blog post, we covered the three main characteristics of a successful direct mail gift matching program. To benefit from the fundraising dollars available, make sure to implement your gift matching program in a way that sets it up for success. The Gift Lift™ gift matching program from Tension helps nonprofits facilitate gift matching opportunities from their donors’ employers in a way that is seamless, simple and effective. Read the entire blog here: Build a Successful Gift Lift™ Direct Mail Campaign.

What is a Flat?

Understanding the terminology and common names associated with certain mailpieces can give insight into which one is suitable for the goals of your campaign. A flat is one of the most popular mailpieces sent through the USPS, and it can take many forms. The first sentence is confusing, and redundant with the rest of the information in the paragraph. I would delete the first sentence, and then add a transition sentence – I wrote one, but it could be changed to something similar. We explored the three most common ways that flats are defined in this blog which you can find here: Defining a Flat.

Double Window Envelopes

This product feature examined the popular and versatile double window envelope. Commonly used for billing, statement and tax envelope mailings, this envelope features two windows just as the name promises—frequently one for the return address and one for the mailing address on the face of the envelope. While they are most prevalent in financial mailings, they can be used to pique interest in direct mail envelopes as well. Learn more about the double window envelope here: Double Window Envelopes: Get More from Your Envelope

How Complete and Standard Addresses Are Defined by the USPS® 

The USPS® delivers roughly 167 million envelopes every day, so address accuracy is of the highest priority. What are complete and standardized addresses on an envelope? In short, a complete address must include all the information necessary for delivery. A standardized address refers to how it is formatted. Learn more about how to properly address your next envelope by reading our informative blog: How to Address an Envelope.

Ordering Continuous Forms for Direct Mail

Continuous forms are a staple for direct mailers. They enable the creation of high volume, high impact forms that are inserted into your direct mail piece and convey your message with dynamic printing and personalization. The term “form” may give the impression of a boring, generic printout. Don’t be fooled: Continuous forms are anything but dull.  In our blog we discuss the basic vocabulary and direct mail uses of continuous forms: Not Just a Form Letter: Ordering Continuous Forms for Direct Mail

Unpacking USPS® Servicing Standards

Looking for Speedy Delivery? In the first quarter of 2022, the average time to deliver a piece of mail or package was 2.7 days. Delays often come with the territory but there are things you can do as a mailer to ensure that your mailpiece arrives in a timely fashion. The delivery speed depends on three major factors: the delivery option selected, the destination for the mailpiece, and the type of mailpiece. View the USPS Service Standards Map in our blog for an interactive view of expected delivery speeds: Unpacking USPS Service Standards.

Navigating USPS® Postage Increases

As we head into 2023, it’s important that mailers are made aware of the upcoming USPS postage increases. While the practice of postage increases is not new, staying vigilant in the effort to prepare for these increases means understanding why they’re coming and how the increases will affect your 2023 planning. There are a few different ways that mailers can offset these costs: Navigating USPS Postage Increases.

About Tension Corporation 

Tension Corporation is a global leader in envelope products, packaging and packaging automation solutions. It is a privately held and operated, international company based in Kansas City, Mo. Tension manufactures billions of envelopes annually and their envelope division serves a variety of industries, including financial, insurance and direct marketing, plus they work directly with third-party providers. The packaging and automation division of Tension provides software, consumables, automation and service and support for fulfillment to the e-commerce and pharmaceutical industries.