4 Things You Need to Know to Get Your Envelope Noticed
I recently had the opportunity to speak to members of the Kansas City Mail Systems Management Association (KCMSMA) about the use of color, texture and images to make the most of your envelope.
A Bit of History
Bert Berkley authors an article in On Paper, providing rich Tension and industry history.
USPS 2017 Promotions Calendar
The Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) has approved six USPS Mailing Promotions for 2017 with focus on dynamic color, new print techniques, mobile technology, and traditional and innovative mail techniques.
Tension Corporation Introduces Gift Lift™ for Nonprofits and Educational Institutions
Learn how Gift Lift can help an estimated $6-10 billion in corporate matching funds are left unclaimed each year.
Marketers: To Disrupt, Please Educate and Inform. Don’t Interrupt and Sell. You Could Kill Your Brand.
I have some time to kill. I’m in an airport awaiting a flight to Dusseldorf, Germany and see a text message that my flight has just been delayed 2 hours. Lovely! So, like any good professional, I power up my laptop and figure I will make lemonade out of lemons and get some work done.
We Do Not Sell Envelopes: 3 Reasons Why We Avoid Selling Product and Your Sales Team Should Too
Our sales team does not sell envelopes. I don’t want you to get me wrong, you can still find salespeople who do. You know them, the old product pushers. The salespeople whose sales process is 100% about telling you how their knife set slices and dices better than the competition.
Tension Corporation Wins Three Flexographic Technical Association Excellence in Flexography Awards
Read how the Flexographic Technical Association (FTA) recently recognized Tension Corporation for its expertise and print quality in flexographic printing.
Tension Packaging & Automation Showcases Key Products at 2016 Operations Summit
Tension Packaging & Automation will showcase several key products at the 2016 Operations Summit.
Tension Corporation Celebrates 130th Anniversary
On March 17, 2016, Tension Corporation celebrates its 130th anniversary, marking the company’s long history of stability, ingenuity and commitment to its associates and industry.