3 Ways to Raise Donor Stewardship through Direct Mail
How can you boost your donor stewardship? Demographics, a simple donation process and data could hold the keys.
Machine Maintenance
We’ve always said that what differentiates Tension from all the other envelope companies is our People, our Processes and our Technology.
Flexographic Printing: An Envelope Manufacturer’s Workhorse
Is flexographic printing the best choice for your envelope?
Getting to Know You: Gearheads and Great Results
Meet one of Tension’s secret weapons: Greg Copeland.
Product Spotlight: Protec™ Envelopes
Protec is a heavy duty envelope that protects sensitive documents.
Tension Corporation Introduces Protec™ Envelopes
Tension announces a new product called Protec envelopes.
Envelope Basics: Printing
You’ve got mail options: learn about some of the popular envelope printing options.
Nationwide and Secure: USPS Informed Delivery™
Have you heard about the United States Postal Service program, Informed Delivery?
How Do You Address an Envelope?
Nothing is sweeter than hearing your own name, and on a direct mail or transactional envelope, nothing is sweeter than seeing your correct address.