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On June 13, Tension hosted a webinar as part of our ongoing “Lunch & Learn” series: “Best Practices for Your Direct Mail Campaigns to Boost Donor Engagement.” In this second webinar recap blog, we’ll focus on why data hygiene is so important and share tips for keeping a clean list. To watch the webinar in its entirety, please click here. 


Anyone who is familiar with direct mail knows that an accurate database is important. Eliminating bad or inactive listings ensures a better return on investment and deliverability. But that’s not all.  

Nonprofits that use wrong or incomplete data are leaving big money on the table. Tension can help such organizations uncover and leverage a treasure trove of donor information to drive truly impressive results.   

An estimated 26 million people work for companies that offer matching gifts. Based on that, we can estimate that approximately 10 to 12% of your donors should be matching-gift eligible. 

Furthermore, research shows that data decays at an average rate of 30% per year, meaning nonprofits have little insight into who makes up that 10 to 12%. That’s where Tension’s Gift Lift™ program can help.  

In addition to finding current contact information, the Gift Lift program can also determine employer information for many donors and prospects to determine their matching potential.  

From there, Tension can help nonprofits craft personalized appeals based on those findings. So rather than sending a generic ask, an organization can create a direct mail piece that includes information about the recipient’s employer, its matching gift program and how to take advantage of it.  

Data suggests these efforts are more than worthwhile, especially for prospective donors. When surveyed, 84% of them said they’d be more likely to give if they knew their employer matched gifts.  

And once a prospect becomes a donor, Tension can use his or her giving history to make smarter future requests.  

Corporate gift-matching programs can have a profound impact on fundraising but maintaining list hygiene is critical for maximizing opportunities. Clean data helps nonprofits:  

  • Enhance matching success with corporate donors 
  • Improve donor relations by demonstrating professionalism and respect 
  • Increase revenue, thanks to more efficient and targeted campaigns  

Every year, an estimated $4 to 7 billion in corporate matching funds is left on the table. Tension can help you claim your share.  

We realize that nonprofits rely heavily on direct mail contributions and put a lot of effort into creating compelling packages. But if they’re not reaching the right people with the right message, you’re likely missing out on a major opportunity. Tension can help you identify top prospects and provide them with the information they need to become loyal donors. Contact us today to get started.